Friday, January 29, 2016

A funny thing happened on the way home . . .

After being held hostage in a hospital for a week, I was finally cleared to leave.  Not as easy as it sounds given the fact that I required most of my creature comforts from home during my stay.  I had everything - from several pairs of jammies to my water pic.  So per hospital policy, my box of necessities and I were wheeled to the parking lot.

As soon as my husband started the car, he turned to me and said there was something wrong with the car.  It had started the night before.  "What?" I asked.

"I don't know," he replied as he backed out of the parking space.

I rolled down the window and heard a rhythmic thump as the car moved.  “Sounds like a tire,” I said.
Darling husband said no, that he’d checked the tires.  Muffler? I guessed.
Again he dismissed me.  Which is common when it comes to anything manly.  The only problem is my husband has no man skills.  He can barely use duct tape.  But he had a plan.  He’d drop off the 8 new prescriptions, take me home, then take the car to the dealership.  Sounded good.  The car kept making that death rattle, so I thought the plan was sound.  We drove about 5 miles to the strip mall where the pharmacy is and as we drove by the ever-present homeless guy, he called out “Hey! You’ve got a flat tire!”
Darling husband parked and we both got out of the car and sure enough, the rear passenger side tire was as flat as a pancake.  “I thought you said you checked the tires,” I admonished.
“I did,” he insisted.  “But only the ones in the front.”
Who does that? I wondered as he dashed into the pharmacy to drop off the prescriptions.  So he comes out and I told him we had to take it to the tire place immediately.  I’m thinking he’s probably ruined the rim since he’d told me the noise started the day before.  And to make matters worse, we have AAA.  It wasn’t even like he had to change a tire himself.
So we drove across the street to the tire place.  Even the sales guy laughed at my husband.  He was also stunned that darling husband hadn’t ruined the rim.  Said it would be about an hour and a half, so instead of sitting in the tire place, we walked next door to Chili’s to eat and kill time.  So there I sit, wearing hospital bracelets as my accessories with some serious bed head.  And while in the hospital I’d been on a very strict diet, so the smell of spicy food was very appealing.  Note to self: lay off the Mexican when you’ve been consuming chicken broth and tea for a week.
$128.00 later, we were on our way back to the pharmacy, then finally I got to reunite with my own mattress.
The only thing that makes this story worse is it isn’t the first time its happened.  Ten years ago darling husband had ignored a service light on the car when he came to collect me from a hospital.  The engine quit at a stoplight in the heart of Baltimore and we ended up hitching a ride home with the tow truck driver.  All because he had failed to maintain the car properly.  He sees those lights on the dashboard as suggestions.  A dangerous philosophy when you don’t even know how to check a dip stick.
I have friends with handy husbands and I must admit, I get a tad jealous.  Anything more complicated than hanging a picture and I have to run to the yellow pages.  I even had to pay an electrician to change the light bulbs (fluorescents) in my kitchen.  Darling husband didn’t know how to twist them into place.  He can’t even grill.  When I say he has no man skills, I mean none, zero.
But he has other wonderful qualities that make him a keeper.  He’s the funniest person I know, which off-sets his lack of other skills.  Now, if I could only find a decent handyman . . .

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